What is Realm?
Realm is a church management system that we are using at Saint Katherine, but more than that, it provides an online meeting place for the various ministries of the church, as well as a tool to increase communication between the members of these groups and ministries.
Why Should I Be Interested?
With Realm you are able to take possession of your profile that we at Saint Katherine use to keep track of your contact information. Once you take possession of it, you can then keep all of your own information up to date, opt-in to an online church directory (viewable only by other church members), and provide other information such as a photograph, birthday, name day information, etc.
The more exciting aspect of Realm however is that you can then join various groups representing the ministries of the church. Each group has it's own news board, group chat, and event calendar. All of this is also available in a convenient app for iOS and Android smartphones. You never have to wonder again when your next group meeting is, you can check right from your phone, RSVP to events, and communicate with other group members!
Realm also provides a handy way for you to keep track of your stewardship and giving. You'll be able to see exactly how much you've donated to the church, and how much you have to go to meet your stewardship goals. You can can even safely and securely give right from your phone using the app!
Where can I get it?
To sign up with Realm, simply send an email to the church office or Fr. Zach. We will then send you an email back with a unique link that you can follow to create your login information and take possession of your profile. You'll then be able to sign in to the Saint Katherine Realm Portal and begin enjoying a new sense of community and interaction with the church!
After you've created your login information with the link mentioned above, you can then download the Realm Connect app. When you open the app for the first time you'll select "I already have a login" at the bottom of the welcome screen, and sign in using the login information you created. It's that simple!
Either search in your app store for "Realm Connect," or follow the links below on your smartphone to download the app: