Using the Realm Website

The Realm Website is a robust and informative tool designed to help you connect with your church in a meaningful way. The images and descriptions below will introduce you to this system, but the best way to learn it is to sign in and start clicking around for yourself! If you do not yet have a Realm account, please contact us and we will send you an invite into the system!

Using the navigation menu on the left side of the screen you can click on "News" to see a newsfeed for all of the groups that you are a member of.


Clicking on "Messages" in the navigation menu will bring you to a screen where you can group message the groups you are a member of. This is essentially a chat room where you can leave quick little messages, coordinate pot-lucks, post pictures and files, etc.


On the events screen you will be presented with an agenda-style view of all of the scheduled upcoming events for your groups. Rather than viewing a entire church-wide calendar where you might overlook something relevant to you, this page will show you only those events for groups that you are a member of!


When viewing an event's details you can read a short summary of the event, get all the relevant information about it such as what time it starts and where it will be held, as well as being able to RSVP to events that allow it.


Realm also allows you to make donations and pay towards your stewardship right from the website by choosing "Giving" from the navigation menu. You'll also be able to see your giving history so that you will always know how much you've given, and towards what funds you have given to. This giving history will also show all that you've given before we had Realm!


If you click on "Groups" in the navigation menu you'll be presented with all those groups that you are a member of. Clicking on one of them will bring up the details about that group.


Below the groups you're a member of, you'll also see "Find Groups" in the navigation menu. By click on this you are able to see what groups are available, and request to join them. This is useful to help keep track of what classes and other groups are being offered!

By clicking on "Directory" in the navigation menu you will be able to view an online directory of church members. This directory is only viewable by other members of Saint Katherine who have created a Realm account, and you are able to control what information you want to show up in your own entry.


By clicking on your name in the upper right hand of the screen you will be able to edit your profile, ensuring that we always have your up to date address and phone number. It is really helpful for us if you also include your birthday and nameday!


From the same drop down menu in the upper right of the screen you are able to manage privacy settings. This is where you set what personal information is available in the online directory. You can also adjust what type of email notifications you get from your groups.